Hi everyone,
Our meeting on Nov.1 was a great fun with 12 members attending.
We appreciate 남훈선 동문 for her generosity of inviting us with a lot of delicious food.
김선주 동문의 Birthday was celebrated at the meeting.
Here is a summary of the meeting.
1. 연락망 구성
2. NY meeting 을 위한 모금: $1,170 was collected at the meeting from the participants (이춘순, 백순례, 강경희, 김혜경, 박정언, 남훈선, 김혜순, 김문령, 김선주, 이경해, 김유경, 박순혜 동문). Others are welcome to join this fund raising.
3. NY meeting 준비: 합창 (지도: 김유경 동문), 장기자랑 (지도: Michell Dong) 준비모임 will be held on 1/17, 2/28, 3/14 (all Saturdays).
4. NY meeting (3/19-3/21) 참석 예정자: 7명 (Other members are welcome to join.) Hotel reservation is required by 2/10.
5. Our next AA meeting will be held on 1/17 (Saturday) 12:00 noon. If anyone would like to invite this meeting, please contact 박순혜 (978-409-0101). Volunteering will be greatly appreciated.
Please reply if you have any questions or comments.
Best regards,
박순혜 드림