2009년 청원서 “이화를 자율형 사립학교로”

By | 11/05/2018

아래의 청원서를 지역회원들에게 알려 많은 분들의 사인을 받아 한국의 문공부에 제출하려합니다.

지역 회장님들께서 수고하여 주시면 감사하겠습니다.                                    3/22/2009




대한민국 문공부에 제출하는 청원서에 이화가 자율형 사립학교로 되어야 한다는 생각에 동참하는 모든 분들은 PETITION FORM사인해 주세요



To the Director of the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology Education:


Currently, Ewha Girl’s High School is in the process of applying for certification as an independent private school. This letter is a petition to show the widespread support for the certification and a request to expedite the process. Certification as an independent private school is necessary for Ewha Girl’s High School for the following reasons:


1. In 1886, Ewha, founded by Mary Scranton, was Korea’s first chartered private school for women.


2. Ewha’s philosophy is rooted in the principles of freedom, love, and peace under which an individual is encouraged to share her abilities to help others.


3. Ewha’s strong foundations have lead to superior facilities and educational quality since its beginnings.


4. Although Ewha has expanded from its beginnings as a general educational institution to include a fine arts institution as well as a foreign language high school, the collective voices on this petition show an increasing desire to build further upon Ewha’s prestigious history.


5. Through a strong endowment, Ewha has provided opportunities for many students who could not afford an education to learn in the best environment and to benefit society upon graduation.


Our goal is to witness a world of individual and institutional diversity, a world of justice, love, and peace, and a world where education enables students to benefit the lives of the less fortunate. We are confident that you will share and support our vision and respectfully this petition for your review.